A diagnostic medical instrument adapted to determine whether a patient is
suffering from a pre-shock, shock, or shock-related condition. The
instrument is used in a capillary filling time CFT test procedure in
which a skin area in the patient which overlies blood-filled capillaries
which normally display a pink color is depressed to expel blood from the
capillaries and impart white color to the skin at which point the
pressure is released to permit blood to flow back into the capillaries
and cause the skin to regain its pink color. The instrument includes a
color sensor trained on the skin area and responsive to light reflected
therefrom to produce a first signal at the point in time the skin color
tuns from pink to white and to later produce a second signal at the point
in time at which the skin color has turned from white to pink. The time
elapsing between the first and second signals is measured to provide a
CFT index indicative of the patient's condition.