A database having information sought by a consumer, a database containing
consumer attributes, and a database of advertising messages are made
responsive to telephone calls placed to an interactive voice response
(IVR) system. Alternatively, the databases can be linked to a web site
responsive to consumer input. Either system can deliver the advertising
messages to the consumer. The database of consumer attributes contains
information already known about the consumer that can be used to decide
on which advertising message to deliver. The consumer initiates activity
by calling the interactive voice response system or accessing the web
site. Software identifies the consumer via the consumer-inputted
identification and delivers an advertising message likely appeal to the
consumer. The advertising message can include an offer to purchase a
product or service. The offer can be taken during the advertising period
and recorded so as to be sent to a sponsor. The system then disseminates
information sought by the customer, such as student grades.
Alternatively, software resident at the Web site reads the identity of
the customer who is accessing the Web site and recognizes and ascribes
various attributes to the customer. The customer has the opportunity to
either view the information or, preferably, interactively respond to the
advertisement or offer by seeking additional advertisements or by placing
an order for the products or services of the sponsoring vendor.