The present invention relates to a process for injection of refrigerated
suspended particles into food products and the products resulting from
such process. The present invention applies to the food industry in the
field of meat products, and reveals those characteristics which are
relevant for the process of preparation of said meat products suspension,
to be later aggregated on larger sized meat products, as well as those
characteristics which are relevant for said injection process. The main
object of the present invention is to increase the final product green
weight without incurring loss of flavor, shortening of shelf life,
nutritional value or texture, making feasible the incorporation of
smaller size pieces to a product featuring a higher commercial value. The
term meat products is herein used meaning those products extracted from
poultry, fish, cattle, pork, sheep, etc., both with and without fat,
either in the shape of meat cut or shred, ground meat, frozen meat,
semi-frozen meat or refrigerated meat.