In a distributed sensor network, a method of key management is carried out
in several phases, particularly key pre-distribution phase, shared key
discovery phase, and as needed, a path key establishment phase. In the
key pre-distribution phase, prior to DSN deployment, a ring of keys is
distributed to each sensor node, each key ring consisting of randomly
chosen keys from a large pool of keys which is generated off-line. A
shared key exists between each two key rings with a predetermined
probability. In the shared key discovery phase, which takes place upon
deployment of the DSN, every sensor node discovers its neighbors in
wireless communication range with which it shares keys, and the topology
of the sensor array is established by forming secure communication links
between respective sensor nodes. The path key establishment phase assigns
a path key to selected pairs of sensor nodes in wireless communication
range that do not share a key but are connected by two or more links at
the end of the shared key discovery phase. The key management scheme also
assumes a revocation phase for removal of the key ring of the compromised
sensor node from the network. Also, re-keying phase is assumed for
removal of those keys with the expired lifetime.