A radial head replacement system includes a radial head replacement, an
apparatus for guiding the resection of a radial head, and a kit including
bone plug and bone plug insertion instrument. The radial head replacement
has a separate adjustable head portion that may be secured on an
implanted stem such that the implanted radial head replacement smoothly
interfaces with the capitellum of the humerus. In another form, the
radial head replacement uses crossed bone screws that serve to more
securely anchor the stem of the radial head replacement in the
intramedullary canal of the radius. The resection guide includes a
movable cutting guide which ensures a precise resection of the radial
head and thereby allows for better positioning of the implanted radial
head replacement. The bone plug limits the travel of bone cement beyond
the area of affixation of the stem portion of a radial head replacement
to the radius.