A method and an apparatus for imaging functional and electrical activities
of the brain are disclosed. In order to allow improved relative
positional determination of the epileptogenic focus with reference to the
EEG electrodes, a positron emission tomography measurement using at least
one radiation detector, and a magnetic resonance imaging measurement
using at least one coil for generating a basic magnetic field, at least
one gradient coil and a radio-frequency antenna device are undertaken in
at least one embodiment. In addition, in at least one embodiment an
electroencephalography measurement using a plurality of electrodes for
acquiring spatial and temporal changes of the electrical activities of
the brain and a computed tomography measurement using at least one x-ray
source and at least one x-ray detector are carried out. By way of an
evaluation apparatus in at least one embodiment, a spatial correlation
between the computed tomography measurement and the magnetic resonance
imaging measurement is undertaken, so as to result in registration
between the electroencephalography measurement and the positron emission
tomography measurement.