An electronic system for regulating activity that includes a standard user interface that requires all information presented in the system to be formatted in a standard (logical) manner that is designed to achieve results. The standard (logical) manner requires users to successively provide subject information, purpose information, and objective and time information relative to the activity. Standard user interfaces may be developed for a variety of business tasks and other activities. All information is stored in individual files at user locations. The system handles facts and propositions in an equation solving manner. If a proposition is involved, selected information may be automatically forwarded to a searchable common market that contains summary information and links to the files. All discussion relating to a proposition is recorded, and agreement is recognized and recorded. Upon agreement, a fulfillment function is automatically launched. The fulfillment actions of the system are in accordance with the objective and time information provided by the user.


< Automated transaction machine

> Swiftlets farming for production of edible bird's nests

> Video game methods and systems

~ 00501