A universal, ultra-high definition, accurate color, light, and object
rendering, advising, and coordinating system for displaying colors,
objects, and light and enabling an accurate rendering of a color, room,
building, object, person, or landscape. The system includes an image
procuring device for procuring input images, a memory device, a processor
and a display device with all elements calibrated and coordinated to
ensure that a color viewed and procured in situ by the image procuring
device will be identically displayed on the display device. The system
can combine reference images with display images in a consistent, scaled
relationship and can display those images with a variety of lighting
effects. Furthermore, the system can make design suggestions in light of
designer input, design research, and historic information in furtherance
of design goals while accommodating constraining elements. The system can
be used relative to building structures, clothing, automobiles, persons,
and a plurality of further structures, objects, and products.