Ternary (3-value) and higher, multi-value digital scramblers/descramblers
in digital communications. The method and apparatus of the present
invention includes the creation of ternary (3-value) and higher value
truth tables that establish ternary and higher value scrambling functions
which are its own descrambling functions. The invention directly codes by
scrambling ternary and higher-value digital signals and directly decodes
by descrambling with the same function. A disclosed application of the
invention is the creation of composite ternary and higher-value
scrambling devices and methods consisting of single scrambling devices or
functions combined with ternary or higher value shift registers. Another
disclosed application is the creation of ternary and higher-value spread
spectrum digital signals. Another disclosed application is a composite
ternary or higher value scrambling system, comprising an odd number of
scrambling functions and the ability to be its own descrambler.