The present invention provides a primary-side flyback power converter that
supplies a constant voltage output and a constant current output. To
generate a well-regulated output voltage under varying load conditions, a
PWM controller is included in the power converter in order to generate a
PWM signal controlling a switching transistor in response to a flyback
voltage sampled from a first primary winding of the power supply
transformer. Several improvements are included in this present invention
to overcome the disadvantages of prior-art flyback power converters.
Firstly, the flyback energy of the first primary winding is used as a DC
power source for the PWM controller in order to reduce power consumption.
A double sample amplifier samples the flyback voltage just before the
transformer current drops to zero. Moreover, an offset current is pulled
from a detection input of the double sample amplifier in order to
generate a more accurate DC output voltage. The offset current is
generated in response to the temperature in order to compensate for
temperature-induced voltage fluctuations across the output rectifier.
Ultimately, in order to maintain a constant output current, the PWM
controller modulates the switching frequency in response to the output