The present application provides a linear mechanism for
optical-to-acoustic energy conversion for optoacoustic communication from
an in-air platform to an undersea vehicle. Signals used in underwater
acoustic telemetry applications are capable of being generated through
the linear optoacoustic regime conversion process. A number of issues
concerning linear optoacoustic communication is addressed that lead to a
formulation of a linear regime optoacoustic communication scheme. The use
of oblique laser bean incidence at an air-water interface to obtain
considerable in-air range from the laser source to the vehicle is also
addressed. The effect of oblique incidence on in-water range is addressed
as well. Optimum and sub-optimum linear optoacoustic sound-generation
techniques for selecting the optical wavelength and signal frequency for
optimizing in-water range are identified. Optoacoustic techniques
employing M-ary frequency shift keying and multifrequency shift keying
are compared with communication parameters such as bandwidth, data rate,
range coverage and number of lasers employed.