A process for the preparation of a titania catalyst or a titania catalyst
carrier is described. It comprises the steps of: obtaining a wet
filtercake of titania, the titania having been made by hydrolysis of a
suitable titanium compound, optionally admixing the wet filtercake with
one or more catalyst materials, extruding said filtercake or said
admixture, and drying and/or calcining the so-formed extrudate. The wet
filtercake of titania can be provided from any known route or source or
reaction. These include the the wet chloride or sulphate processes. The
present invention removes the need for current separate drying and
calcination of the titania sulphate product prior to its admixture with a
catalyst material. It provides a catalyst with increased strength, which
catalyst has also been found to provide greater catalytic activity,
especially in C5+ selectivity.