Internet-based business system and management programs therefor, and more
particularly to financial investment management characterized by a unique
system of attracting and identifying the Best Investors, including
offering, facilitating and managing performance-based investment
competitions based on model (virtual) investment portfolios, creating
actual portfolios for the identified Best Investor, creating and
operating actual mutual funds based on the identified Best Investors as
fund managers, and providing a full suite of related subscriber and
investor services associated therewith as a fund supermarket. The
invention includes facilitation of daily feedback of one or more
significant and appropriate financial performance metric(s), preferably
the NAV (iTAV), of identified stocks and funds. Performance ranking of
advice is provided so that the investor knows the track record (ranking),
on an ongoing basis, of a particular advisor, thereby establishing
credibility of comments. Important analytic tools are provided, including
unique reports on: Overall Performance, Stratification, Volatility,
Market Timing, Fundamentals, and G.sub.S/E or G.sub.E/S Ratio, which
function as powerful decision tools for the site members, fund managers
and subscribers. The top 100 Best Investors are recognized as the m100,
which may be a list, a tracked index, and a Fund.