It is intended to provide a drug for ameliorating symptoms or diseases caused by heavy metals (for example, Wilson's disease, heavy metal toxication, aging, fulminant hepatitis and so on) which has a high safety without any fear of side effect, can eliminate heavy metals such as copper ion accumulated in excess in the living body to prevent or lessen the accumulation of the heavy metals in the living body, thereby eliminating or relieving the effects of the heavy metals; and compositions such as a medicinal composition, a food and a cosmetic containing the same. The drug and compositions as described above are characterized by containing lactoferrin and/or an active derivative of the same as the active ingredient.


< Monoclonal antibody specific to dentin-derived heparan sulfate

> Adiponectin expression promoter

> Spray-Drying Process for Producing a Dry Caritine Powder or Granulate

~ 00507