The present system for automatically adjusting deposit balance is the
effective measure for pay-off which calculates the excess amount by
subtracting from the balance of the account established in one financial
institution, the specified balance for the account and calculates the
allowable amount by subtracting from the specified balance for the
account established in other financial institution, the balance of the
account and compares said excess amount with said allowable amount and
sets the transfer amounts as the one lesser of either said excess amount
or said allowable amount. Specifically the system for automatically
adjusting deposit sets in addition the plus specified balance for
checking and savings accounts and time deposit account respectively when
said accounts include checking account and savings account and time
deposit accounts. The system for automatically adjusting deposit further
sets the minus specified balance for the debt amount. Preferably the
system for automatically adjusting deposit is an apparatus which enables
to maintain the necessary balance and calculates the deficit amount by
subtracting from the balance for the account established in one financial
institution, the necessary balance for the account and calculates the
surplus amount by subtracting from the necessary balance for the account
established in said other financial institution, the balance for the
account and compares said deficit amount with the surplus amount and sets
the amount that is lesser of said deficit or surplus amounts for the
transfer amount.