A watercraft propelled by an outboard motor includes an inspection system.
The inspection system includes a terminal computer that conducts an
inspection of an engine control device and a control unit. The computer
includes a program that performs an inspection process that provides the
control device with a command signal to start an inspection of the
control device and that requests the control device to output a first
response signal. The process determines whether the response signal is
consistent with a first specified signal. The process provides the
control unit with a command signal to start an inspection of the control
unit and requests the control unit to output a second response signal.
The process determines whether the second response signal is consistent
with a second specified signal. The control device controls a throttle
actuator and a shift actuator based upon the second response signal and
provides the inspection system with an operating signal. The process
determines whether the operating signal is consistent with the second
specified signal. The computer includes an indicator panel or other
display device to show the results of the determinations made by the
inspection process.