An endotracheal tube assembly (10) is disclosed which suctions away
bacteria multiplying mucus before such mucus can accumulate on the inside
walls of the endotracheal tube (14). In the preferred embodiment, one or
more suctioning tubes (20, 21) are formed into the walls of an
endotracheal tube so that they extend along length of the endotracheal
tube. A plurality of mucus slurping holes (34) are then formed at or near
the distal end of the endotracheal tube and connected to the suctioning
tubes. In operation, suctioning through the mucus slurping holes is
preferably performed intermittently during patient expiration. By timing
this intermittent suctioning with patient expiration, the suctioning flow
will be in the same direction as patient breathing. While the mucus
slurper of the present invention has been found to be effective at
keeping the inner walls of the endotracheal tube free of mucus deposits,
it can nonetheless be combined with other cleaning and disinfectant
techniques for greater assurance of cleanliness.