A terminological system automates the integration of terminological
information into a built-in knowledge base. Input terminology
information, which includes input terms and information that specifies
relationships among at least two of the input terms, is input to the
terminological system. The terminological system parses the input
terminology information to generate a logical structure that depicts
relationships among the input terms in a format compatible with the
built-in knowledge base. Either an independent ontology, comprising the
logical structure, is generated, or the knowledge base is extended by
logically coupling the logical structure to a node that matches the input
term. The terminological system also resolves conflicts if an input term
that matches a terminological node in the knowledge base connotes a
different meaning than the terminological node. A system that converts
broader term and narrower term relationships, synonym relationships,
related term (RT) relationships, and preferred term (PT) relationships in
accordance with the ISO 2788 standard is disclosed.