Each software component loaded for a verified operating system on a client
computer must satisfy a set of boot rules for a boot certificate. A
verified operating system identifier is created from the boot
certificate. The boot certificate is published and signed by a boot
authority that attests to the validity of the operating system booted
under the boot certificate. Each software component for the operating
system is associated with a component certificate published and signed by
the same boot authority that signed the boot certificate. The boot rules
determine the validity of the software component based on the contents of
the component and boot certificates. The client computer transmits the
verified operating system identity and the boot certificate to a server
computer, such as a content provider, and the content provider determines
whether to trust the verified operating system with its content.
Downloaded data is secured on permanent storage through a key derived
from the verified operating system identifier. The boot certificate,
component certificates, and secured content define the boot domain.