A cavitation system for forming and imploding cavities within a cavitation
chamber is provided. The system includes a hydraulically actuated driver
coupled to the cavitation chamber. A cavitation piston, coupled to a
hydraulic piston, forms the desired cavities during piston retraction and
then implodes the cavities during piston extension. Preferably the
cavitation fluid is degassed prior to hydraulically driving cavitation
within the chamber. Degassing can be performed within the cavitation
chamber or within a separate degassing chamber which is preferably
connected to the cavitation chamber. In one aspect, a coupling sleeve is
interposed between the hydraulic driver and the cavitation chamber, the
coupling sleeve housing at least a portion of the cavitation piston drive
rod. Preferably the coupling sleeve can be evacuated. In another aspect,
a cavitation fluid circulatory system is coupled to the cavitation
chamber. In-line valves on the chamber inlets allow the chamber to be
isolated from the circulatory system.