Disclosed is a method for re-sampling an input image comprising input
samples to produce an output image comprising output samples. The method
includes the following steps. A set of kernel values (130) is determined
(110) based on a position (120) of an input sample (100), each kernel
value in the set corresponding to a distinct output sample position. Each
kernel value in the set is multiplied (105) by the value of the input
sample to form a contribution. Each contribution corresponds to a
distinct output sample and is first added (145) to a value in a
corresponding storage location in an output accumulator (140), the result
of the first addition replacing the contents of the storage location in
the output accumulator. Each kernel value is also second added (135) to a
storage location in a sliding kernel accumulator (150), the result of the
second addition replacing the contents of the storage location in the
sliding kernel accumulator. An accumulated output value, is read from the
output accumulator (140), is divided (160) by a kernel weight read from
the sliding kernel accumulator (150) to form an output sample at the
output sample position. A position of the sliding kernel accumulator is
advanced by one value.