A mechanism for verifying system behavior includes: (1) A
"constraint-based inference engine" and (2) a "constraint-based
simulator." The inference engine accepts logical/temporal/data
dependencies describing a system implementation and automatically derives
new logical/temporal/data dependencies describing the input/output
("black-box") behavior of the system or other aspect of the system's
behavior. This capability means that a "behavioral model" can be
automatically extracted from a "structural model," thereby supporting
"encapsulation" and "information hiding." The simulator is driven by the
output of the inference engine and behaves like a cycle-accurate
simulator except that it can answer the question: Why does Signal S have
Value V at Time T? This capability helps in system debugging since the
simulator can immediately provide the user with the cause of an anomalous
output value in the form of a behavioral constraint (implication) showing
how the output value depends upon specific input values appearing in the