An apparatus, and method of use of such apparatus, for detecting particles
of interest that are dispersed in a fluid mix, which typically includes
other particles. The apparatus includes an interrogation platform
arranged to operate in harmony with an opaque member having an orifice
sized to promote single-file travel of the particles there-through. A
radiation source is disposed on one side of the opaque member, and a
radiation detector is disposed on the other side of the opaque member.
Particles of interest are tagged using antibody-binding, fluorescing
molecules. Radiation from the source causes the tagged particles to
fluoresce in the vicinity of, and passing through, the orifice. The
resulting fluorescence is detected by the radiation detector and
indicates passage of the particles of interest. One workable opaque
member is advantageously included in a thin film assembly carried on a
removable and disposable card that is adapted for reception in the
interrogation platform.