A device of a water draining system for caverns is described, comprising
one or more sections of tunnel covering or tunnel canvas which is
arranged in the cavern at a certain distance from the walls and ceiling
of the cavern, and a draining pipe system for leading away water. The
device is characterized by one solid extended ceiling draining pipe,
where the one longitudinal lower edge side of a first tunnel covering is
arranged to the one internal side edge of the concave part of the ceiling
draining pipe, while the one longitudinal lower side edge of a second
tunnel covering is arranged to the other internal side edge of the
concave part of the ceiling draining pipe, that the other longitudinal
side edges respectively of the tunnel coverings are arranged to the
ceiling or wall section of the cavern so that the canvas surfaces form a
suitably inclined plane down towards the draining pipe, and that the
ceiling draining pipe is secured to the ceiling section of the cavern via
a number of rock bolts which are connected to and secure the ceiling
draining pipe.