The application discloses a security mark consisting of a plurality of
layers, of which the cover layers are highly conductive films and the
layers of the card core are films of varying transparency. One layer
carries information, which can be read directly, if desired, above a
security print, while the transparent conductive layer has an additional
security markings, such as biometric or product identifiers marking which
can be read conductively only with the aid of a special reader. All the
layers consist of polymers, papers or mixtures which can be fused
together to form a laminate which is fused together. The conductive
layers form conductive traces which may be formed with single-walled or
multi walled nano tubes or they can be formed from multiple layers or
dispersions containing, carbon nano tubes, carbon nano tubes/antimony tin
oxide, carbon nano tubes/platinum, or carbon nano tubes/silver, carbon,
silver or carbon nano tubes/silver-cloride. An alternative layer can be
formed from a separate conductive layer or suitable dispersion and the
encoding accomplished by overlaying a nonconductive trace.