A method of communicating in and around a localized wireless coverage area
according to the present invention provides cellular coverage to a
neighborhood cell (18) in which service might otherwise not be possible
or in which a high percentage of calls would otherwise end up being
dropped. Specifically, a neighborhood cell (18) is defined by either one
or more fixed last hop nodes (20) or mobile last hop nodes (120). If a
source mobile subscriber unit (12) communicates with a destination unit
through wide area wireless network coverage, the source mobile subscriber
unit (12) is handed over to ad hoc wireless network coverage either
automatically or upon the occurrence of a high frame error rate when it
enters the neighborhood cell (18) to maintain communication with the
destination unit. If the source mobile subscriber unit (12) is already
communicating through ad hoc wireless coverage within the neighborhood
cell (18), it is handed over to wide area wireless network coverage when
it exits the neighborhood cell (18) to maintain communication with the
destination unit.