Elemental sulfur is combined with either liquid anhydrous ammonia, liquid
sulfur dioxide, or both to form a solution or slurry which is
transportable through pipelines or other transport vessels without a risk
of clogging due to the environmental temperature drops that these vessels
typically encounter. This unusual behavior and the advantages it offers
arise from the discovery of unexpected solubility vs. temperature
relationships of elemental sulfur in each of these two carriers. Among
the advantages are significant improvements in the economics of many
industrial chemical processes that involve the presence of sulfur either
in elemental or chemically combined form, including natural gas or tar
sands production and processing, hydrogen sulfide abatement, hydrogen
production without carbon dioxide emissions, and sulfur extraction from
ores, subterranean deposits, depositories, or fouled impaired industrial
facilities. Large-scale ramifications for energy and fertilizer mineral
resource utilization, greenhouse gas abatement, hydrogen economy, and
nitrogen fertilizer production are taught.