A token device that generates and displays one-time passwords and couples
to a computer for inputting or receiving data for generating and
outputting one-time passwords and performing other functions is provided.
The token includes an interface for coupling to a computer. The token may
also be coupled to any network that the computer may be connected to,
when coupled to the computer. Data and information may be transmitted
between the computer and token, and between the network and token, via
the computer and interface. The data and information may include one-time
password seeding, file transfer, authentication, configuration and
programming of the token. The token must be seeded to generate and
display one-time passwords. An original, or seed, value is loaded into
the token. One-time passwords are subsequently generated or calculated,
or both, from the seed value. Seeding of the token involving a counter,
time, or time-related functions, may allow synchronization of the token
with such functions. The token may support different authentication