A device and method for regenerating adipose tissue has developed comprising: a washing container filled with an sterile solution for washing the adipose tissues; a syringe container holding syringes for washing and separating adipose tissues; injecting the wash solution and mixing the Bio-Gel, respectively; a second syringe container containing Bio-Gel syringes filled with materials to induce adipogenesis; and connector containers holding connectors for injection of the wash solution, and mixing of washed tissues and Bio-Gel. These containers are restrained in the kit by grooves in the bottom of the box. The box top holds needle containers for transplantation needles; and a protocol for fat transplantation, restrained by grooves. The kit minimizes risk of infection in fat transplantations using the patient's own tissues. It enables stable tissue transplantation as well as adipose tissue regeneration via use of aseptic/sterile implements, and a protocol for fat transplantation, solving the problems associated with conventional adipose tissue transplantation.

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> Method and mixture for treating unilateral vocal fold paralysis

> Systems and methods for treatment of medical conditions related to the central nervous system and for enhancing cognitive functions

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