A portable tuning device includes a microphone, a data processing system
and a touch-panel liquid crystal display device, and assists a user in a
tuning work on an upright piano; when the user depresses a key, sound
waves, which expresses a tone, are propagated to the microphone, and are
converted to an audio signal, the waveform of which is converted to audio
data codes; the data processing system firstly calculates an introductory
autocorrelation on the audio data codes for a small number of delayed
waveform so as to determine a register to which the tone belongs, and,
thereafter, calculates a principal autocorrelation on the audio data
codes for delayed waveforms within the register so as to estimate the
pitch of the tone; since the compass is narrowed to the register through
the introductory autocorrelation, the amount of calculation is relatively
small in the principal autocorrelation.