Robotics visual and auditory system is provided which is made capable of
accurately conducting the sound source localization of a target by
associating a visual and an auditory information with respect to a
target. It is provided with an audition module (20), a face module (30),
a stereo module (37), a motor control module (40), an association module
(50) for generating streams by associating events from said each module
(20, 30, 37, and 40), and an attention control module (57) for conducting
attention control based on the streams generated by the association
module (50), and said association module (50) generates an auditory
stream (55) and a visual stream (56) from a auditory event (28) from the
auditory module (20), a face event (39) from the face module (30), a
stereo event (39a) from the stereo module (37), and a motor event (48)
from the motor control module (40), and an association stream (57) which
associates said streams, as well as said audition module (20) collects
sub-bands having the interaural phase difference (IPD) or the interaural
intensity difference (IID) within the preset range by an active direction
pass filter (23a) having a pass range which, according to auditory
characteristics, becomes minimum in the frontal direction, and larger as
the angle becomes wider to the left and right, based on an accurate sound
source directional information from the association module (50), and
conducts sound source separation by restructuring the wave shape of the
sound source.