In a wireless communications system, transceivers transmit short bursts to
a base station, which determines timing corrections from the time of
receipt of the burst and transmits the timing corrections to the
respective transceivers. In one aspect, the base station indicates to the
transceivers a plurality of time slots, each transceiver selects one of
the time slots at random, formats a burst including an indicator of the
selected time slot and transmits the burst in that slot. In another
aspect, the base station transmits to each transceiver a timing
uncertainty value, which determines how the timing correction will be
modified by the tranceiver as the interval since last receiving a timing
correction increases. Data bursts are transmitted in a format comprising
a first unique word, a content field and a second unique word, in that
order. The bursts are transmitted in a TDMA channel format which can
accommodate both short and long bursts in a block format of constant