A high impedance surface (300) has a printed circuit board (302) with a
first surface (314) and a second surface (316), and a continuous
electrically conductive plate (319) disposed on the second surface (316)
of the printed circuit board (302). A plurality of electrically
conductive plates (318) is disposed on the first surface (314) of the
printed circuit board (302), while a plurality of elements are also
provided. Each element comprises at least one of (1) at least one
multi-layer inductor (330, 331) electrically coupled between at least two
of the electrically conductive plates (318) and embedded within the
printed circuit board (302), and (2) at least one capacitor (320)
electrically coupled between at least two of the electrically conductive
plates (318). The capacitor (320) comprises at least one of (a) a
dielectric material (328) disposed between adjacent electrically
conductive plates, wherein the dielectric material (328) has a relative
dielectric constant greater than 6, and (b) a mezzanine capacitor
embedded within the printed circuit board (302).