A computer system and method support foreign exchange (FX) forward trading
for both order posting and execution. The system includes a central
server for tracking currency trades; a plurality of trading workstations;
and at least one remote server interfacing the trading workstations to
the central server, with the at least one remote server mediating the
currency trades between traders using the workstations by consulting
pre-set trading configurations associated with each trader. Currency
brokers and traders use the system through a plurality of data input and
display screens to deal in currency forwards in an efficient manner. The
system and method support both voice and electronic data to interface
with existing trading systems such as voice-based networks, permitting
order entry anywhere in the world. The system includes features such as
the filtering of entities by specified criteria such as bad credit, bad
geography, etc. using the pre-set trading configurations associated with
each trader, so that such filtered entities are not even displayed to a
trader; request for quotes functions, in which up to eight people can be
selected and stored in a database who a trader is willing to trade with;
and a penalty box for not trading or displaying trades of an annoying