A system and method for creating a customized portal environment website
that retrieves content from external websites and presents this content
with a consistent and controlled look and feel. Three features of this
invention that enable the consistent look and feel are clipping,
scrubbing and link behavior tools. The clipping tool identifies the
structure of clipped pages. The structure of the clipped content is
stored in a database in the system. As the system dynamically retrieves
clipped pages from the target site, the system compares the structure of
the retrieved clip to the anticipated, stored structure of the clip. If
the two structures match, the clipped page is rendered in the look and
feel of the custom website. If the structures do not match, the
dynamically clipped page is displayed in a new separate window. The
scrubbing feature of the present invention allows the designer of the
website to define a global structure for all pages that are retrieved
from a particular domain. If a requested page does not conform to the
defined structure, the system opens a new window for the page. The link
behavior tool of the present invention traps a request for the embedded
link upon it's execution and redirecting the request to a page that has
already been approved and clipped or by opening a new window for the
embedded link.