A refrigeration based air handling system design process for significant
energy and cost savings in cleanroom and other applications requiring
large air change rates is presented. The process utilizes a by pass
around the air conditioning system, the ratio of bypass to air
conditioning flow being such that minimal or no reheat of the air is
required for applications having relative humidity (RH) control
requirements and with RH control being achieved via cooling. If
dehumidification is achieved by adsorptive processes, then the by pass
ratio is varied so as to minimize cooling of the heated dry air. In other
non relative humidity control applications the bypass is varied to
minimize the air conditioning flow, thereby decreasing cost, but by using
optimum cooling coil velocities in a manner such that system energy for
airflow is minimized. The energy and cost savings achieved by this
process vary between 65% to 15% depending on the Class of the cleanroom
and/or on the number of air changes per hour required.