A water purifying and enhancement system of a modular construction
designed as a built-in appliance located under the countertop or as a
free-standing (stand alone) unit. The water appliance has a water inlet
for obtaining water from a supply source, scale reduction device, booster
or re-pressurization pump, pre-filtration, U.V. sterilization, R.O.
filtration, de-ionization (CDI or mechanical), mineral injection system
(for adding desired minerals into the purified water), water diagnostic
and monitoring cells, post filtration, proprietary water enhancement
reactor consisting of specially engineered and blended ores of ceramic
components, and/or an electrolytic ionization chamber, and/or a magnetic
chamber, a water outlet for delivery of the highly purified enhanced
water product, and a outlet to grey water drain for reject water. Control
and monitoring instrumentation implemented into the front panel of the
water appliance will continuously provide monitoring of water quality,
filter life, filter maintenance, system failure indicators, and other
pertinent diagnostic data.