A head mounted display device has a mount which attaches the device to a
user's head, a beam-splitter attached to the mount with movement devices,
an image projector which projects images onto the beam-splitter, an
eye-tracker which tracks a user's eye's gaze, and one or more processors.
The device uses the eye tracker and movement devices, along with an
optional head-tracker, to move the beam-splitter about the center of the
eye's rotation, keeping the beam-splitter in the eye's direct
line-of-sight. The user simultaneously views the image and the
environment behind the image. A second beam-splitter, eye-tracker, and
projector can be used on the user's other eye to create a stereoptic,
virtual environment. The display can correspond to the resolving power of
the human eye. The invention presets a high-resolution image wherever the
user looks.