The present invention is a method of controlling noxious plant species.
The method comprises identifying a target area in a foraging area,
selecting a treatment period, selecting an ungulate specie, providing an
animal feed supplement at a first deployment location in the target area,
and introducing the selected ungulate specie to the animal feed
supplement in the target area during the treatment period. The target is
considered such because it includes a noxious plant specie. During the
treatment period, the selected ungulate specie will interact with the
noxious plant specie in the target area. For example, the ungulates
interact with the noxious plant specie by eating the noxious plant specie
and/or by trampling the noxious plant specie. The animal feed supplement
is highly-palatable, portable, self-limiting, attracts the ungulate
specie to the target area, and increases the length of stay of the
ungulate specie in the target area.