A method for effective injection seeding is based on continuous wavelength
sweeping for matching the injected seeds with one or more longitudinal
mode(s) of the slave oscillator in every pump pulse. This is achieved
through rapidly varying laser drive current resulted from RF modulation.
Depending on the modulation parameters, the seed may be operated at
quasi-CW or pulsed mode, with a narrow or broad bandwidth, for injection
seeding of single longitudinal mode or multimode. The wavelength and
bandwidth of the laser output can be tuned according to the needs. From
pulse to pulse, the master-slave resonance may occur at different
wavelengths upon cavity length fluctuations. Cavity length control via
complicated feedback devices and phase locking schemes are consequently
not required. The present invention also encompasses an injection seeded
solid-state laser constructed in accordance with the inventive method and
a novel application of RF modulated laser diode to spectral purification
and producing high power Gaussian beam with narrow pulse width in a
stable, reliable, and cost-effective manner.