A system for analyzing language using supervised learning method. The system extracts portions matching the structures of problem expressions from a raw corpus that is not supplemented with analysis information, then converts the extracted portions corresponding to the problem expressions into supervised data including problems and solutions and stores in the data storage. The system extracts sets of solutions and features from the supervised data stored in the data storage, carries out machine learning processing using the sets and stores learned results as to what kind of solution is the most straightforward for which feature in the learning results database. The system then extracts sets of features from the inputting object data, extrapolates analysis information showing the most optimum for a certain feature, from the sets of features based on the learning results database.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Wound and skin care compositions

> Geranium plant named `Figradol Fidorange`

> Geranium plant named `Figradol Pink`

~ 00524