A vehicle resonator structure and attachment method is provided and
includes a resonator chamber that has a first intake tube and a first
exhaust or outlet tube attached thereto. At least one of the tubes
includes a projection that can be molded (e.g., via flash molding after
the tube itself is blow molded) onto the tube. The resonator chamber can
include upper and lower tube mount structures that can be hot plate
welded and sandwiched onto the projection in the tube. Thus, the tube(s)
is/are positively retained in position with respect to the resonator
chamber such that the tuning of the resonator does not change due to
fluctuations in geometry of the tube(s) and resonator chamber structure,
and such that there is little or no vibration noise and/or possible
damage that might result if the tube(s) were free to move with respect to
the resonator chamber.