A computer device, such as a mobile phone or PDA for example, is able to
output a message based upon selection of a corresponding sequence of
symbol. Such symbols can be polysemous in nature and thus be associated
with a plurality of different meanings depending upon other symbols
sequenced therewith. By utilizing polysemous symbols, a relatively large
number of sequences can be developed and associated with stored messages
in the computer device. To aid a user in accessing a desired sequence or
to aid in training the learning of stored sequences, for example, a
category relating to at least two symbol sequences is fed back to the
user upon pre-selecting a symbol; a theme relating to at least two symbol
sequences is fed back to the user upon selecting a symbol and
pre-selecting a next symbol; and/or a message associated with a sequence
is fed back to the user upon selecting and/or pre-selecting at least one
symbol completing a symbol sequence.