Convenience Store Effectiveness Model (CSEM) is a self-contained PC
application to quantitatively predict operational and financial impact of
changes to Convenience Store (CStore) and Financial Services Center (FSC)
operations. CSEM includes Simulation Analysis Module and Financial
Analysis Module. Simulation Analysis Module includes FSC model and CStore
model. CStore model predicts the effect of an unlimited number of changes
in store design, customer demand patterns, and checkout procedures on
store performance. Financial Analysis Module creates a Profit and Loss
(P&L) statement showing cash flows, Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal
Rate of Return (IRR) for deploying FSCs using simulation results or user
input values. An analyst can use CSEM to provide a sound and quantified
basis for developing a business case for investing in new technologies,
i.e., FSC, or other design and procedure changes in a convenience store