A method of fabrication of laser gain material and utilization of such
media includes the steps of introducing a transitional metal, preferably
Cr.sup.2+ thin film of controllable thickness on the ZnS crystal facets
after crystal growth by means of pulse laser deposition or plasma
sputtering, thermal annealing of the crystals for effective thermal
diffusion of the dopant into the crystal volume with a temperature and
exposition time providing the highest concentration of the dopant in the
volume without degrading laser performance due to scattering and
concentration quenching, and formation of a microchip laser either by
means of direct deposition of mirrors on flat and parallel polished
facets of a thin Cr:ZnS wafer or by relying on the internal reflectance
of such facets. The gain material is susceptible to utilization of direct
diode or fiber laser pumping of a microchip laser with a level of power
density providing formation of positive lens and corresponding cavity
stabilization as well as threshold population inversion in the laser
material. Multiple applications of the laser material are contemplated in
the invention.