An apparatus or method to accommodate disability and to improve the
efficiency of the movement of the fingers, in order; A) to reduce 1)
onset of symptoms of median nerve entrapment or carpal tunnel or
repetitive stress syndromes, 2) tactile deficit in fingers, 3)
inflammation in the carpal canal, 4) tendon excursion in the carpal
canal, 5) finger flexion, 6) loss of nerve sensation, and 7) loss of
tactile sensation; and B) to increase 1) therapy of medical and physical
recovery and treatment, 2) tactile sensitivity of the fingers, 3)
movement of the doral interossei muscles of the hand, 4) movement of the
volar interossei palmar muscles of the hand, 5) movement of the lumbrical
muscles of fingers, and 6) identification of cancer mass in subcutaneous
tissue by palpation by self examination.