A color-change laminate in which a color tone derived from a porous layer
is visually perceived in a dry state and a metallic lustrous property is
visually perceived in a liquid-absorbed state of the porous layer caused
by water application is excellent in luminance and which satisfies both
of changing properties and decorative properties in the dry state and in
the liquid-absorbed state. A color-change laminate includes a support
having a metallic lustrous property and a porous layer provided on the
surface of the support. The porous layer includes a low-refractive-index
pigment and a transparent metallic lustrous pigment formed by coating a
transparent core material with a metal oxide and/or a transparent
metallic lustrous pigment having a color-flopping property all fixed onto
a binder resin in a dispersed state and is different in transparency in a
liquid-absorbed state and in a liquid-unabsorbed state.