A hook-up assistant (HUA) capable of assisting people in hooking up with
other people, in various business and social settings, and of achieving
decision-making, planning, and commitment activities asynchronously,
thereby advantageously off-loading an event requester's tedious tasks of
communicating with multiple potential participants and resource/service
providers for an intended event/activity. The HUA effectively eliminates
"phone tag" problems and beyond, by enabling a user to simply "make a
wish," e.g., "make an event happen." The HUA takes appropriate actions to
"make the wish a reality," i.e., contacting all parties involved,
determining mutually agreeable dates, times, arranging necessary devices,
resources, and services, securing reservations, purchasing admission
tickets, etc., to ensure all parties involved can actually participate in
the event at the planned time and place. The HUA can communicate with
animate/inanimate entities as well as other HUAs regardless of
virtual/physical boundaries such as platforms, protocols, systems,
networks, and the like.