The invention concerns a complex number multiplier receiving the binary
number A, B, C and D complimentarily coded in pairs so as to perform the
complex multiplication (A+jB)*(C+jD). A first processing stage enables to
perform the operations A-B, C-D, and A+B whereof the results are binary
numbers in base two with a redundant binary format, and a borrow-save
coding for subtractions and carry-save coding for addition. A second
processing stage converts said results into coded binary numbers in base
four. A third processing stage enables to perform multiplication (A-B)C,
(C-D)B and (A+B)D with a redundant binary format and a borrow-save
coding. A last stage comprises two adders for working out the real part
(A-B)C+(C-D)B and the imaginary part (A+B)D+(C-D)B in a redundant binary
format and a borrow-save coding.