An educational method for teaching a metacognitive process for writing is
demonstrated within a series of colored, hand-held multiple-shaped
manipulatives. Representing a foundation from which all types of writing
and its conventions may be explored, the manipulatives have been so
designed to aid students in the process of recalling, interpreting,
applying, analyzing, synthesizing and/or judging during the writing
process. Each part of the manipulatives represent an essential component
of the student's thinking during the writing application. The shape,
color and key word of each manipulative represents an association for the
student in his/her thinking during the process of writing. This
innovative educational method has cross-curricula applications and may be
taught and personally tailored to address the specific needs of groups or
individuals at any age or instructional level In addition, the method and
apparatuses provide a diagnostic tool and a form of assessment which can
be used by the individual student, collaborating with others and/or the
teacher. Freedom of expression, individual writing style and creativity
are provided within the theory and application of this invention.